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Karan Bajaj



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Writing a Book

Karan Bajaj


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About the Creator

Karan Bajaj is a bestselling author renowned for his novels "Keep Off the Grass," "Johnny Gone Down," and "The Yoga of Max’s Discontent," which collectively have sold over 200,000 copies and have been optioned for films. His work has been featured in major publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Vogue, and CNN. With a track record of overcoming numerous rejections, Karan has distilled his experiences into actionable insights for aspiring writers. His expertise in creating compelling narratives and securing top publishing deals is shared through his free writing course, which aims to guide writers from initial concept to achieving a Top 5 publishing deal.


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Karan Bajaj



Your Complete Guide to Writing a Book- Free Course

Transform your writing journey with insights from an author who turned over sixty rejections into multiple bestselling novels. This course is perfect for those with a great idea but unsure where to start, struggling to fit writing into a busy schedule, facing writer’s block, needing help with setting deadlines, or dealing with repeated rejections from literary agents. Learn how dedication and the right guidance can lead to success.

Who is this course for

This course is ideal for anyone who is passionate about writing but needs guidance to achieve their goals:  

  • Aspiring Authors with a Great Idea: If you have a compelling story idea but are unsure how to start or develop it into a full manuscript. 

  • Busy Professionals: If you’re struggling to find time for writing due to a demanding schedule and need strategies to balance writing with your other responsibilities. 

  • Writers Experiencing Block: If you often face writer’s block or find that your words don’t flow as easily as you’d like. 

  • Those Lacking Discipline: If you find it challenging to maintain a writing routine and need help setting and sticking to deadlines. 

  • Experienced Writers Facing Rejections: If you’ve written multiple manuscripts and faced numerous rejections, and are seeking new strategies to break through to traditional publishing. 

  • Dedicated Writers Seeking Publication: If you’re committed to getting published by major publishers and are willing to put in the hard work required to achieve this dream.


Unlock the secrets of successful writing with "Your Complete Guide to Writing A Book," a comprehensive free course designed to guide you from initial idea to securing a top publishing deal. Led by bestselling author Karan Bajaj, this course offers over 2 hours of video content and practical exercises to transform your writing process. You'll learn to craft compelling plots, develop unforgettable characters, and maintain discipline throughout your writing journey. The course includes essential strategies for overcoming writer's block, structuring your novel, and navigating the publishing world. With lifetime access and direct support, this course is an invaluable resource for aspiring authors seeking to make their mark in the literary world.  

Course Highlights

  1. Creating a Bestselling Idea  Develop a unique and enduring idea. Craft a detailed plot outline and memorable characters. 

  2. Writing with Pace  Learn key story structures for gripping narratives.Balance pace with character development from the first page to a knockout ending. 

  3. Avoid common pitfalls faced by debut novelists. Peak-Performance Writing Psychology  Techniques to eliminate writer's block. 

  4. Strategies for balancing writing with other responsibilities. Effective self-editing practices to improve your manuscript. 

  5. Securing a Top 5 Publishing Deal  Access to a curated list of top literary agents with contact details. Craft a compelling query letter that stands out. 

  6. Understand the full publishing journey from agent offer to book release. Practical Exercises and Bonus Content  Engaging writing exercises to apply learning in real-time. 

  7. Exclusive bonus materials, including agent contact lists and common mistakes to avoid. 

  8. Real-World Success Stories  Insights and testimonials from successful authors and editors who benefited from Karan’s methods.

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